Providing family planning services and
means to all targeted groups across Egypt
Our Vision
Providing safe, effective, high-quality family planning services free of charge and voluntarily for every woman without discrimination.
Our Mission
The Population and Family Planning Sector provides family planning
services and methods to all target groups across the republic and
receives satisfaction from everyone according to the standards of the
World Health Organization, in partnership with stakeholders concerned
with population issues to reduce the population growth rate and
improve public health to achieve the country's sustainable
development goals.
Our Purpose
The strategic plan for the Population and Family Planning Sector aims
to contribute with other entities working in the field of population to
achieve the objectives of the national population policy, which is to
reach a fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman by 2030 by increasing
the rate of use of family planning methods from %66.4 in 2021 to %71.6
in 2030